Favorite Quote

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
(Audrey Hepburn)

Everybody Knows I’m Not a Princess

Oh, I wish!
I wish I wish I wish..
I could be a girl like that.
A classy girl, a girl who has manner of princess.
A girl who sits quietly, thinks thoughtfully, talks calmly, behaves politely.
A girl who can keep secret only for herself, so that people  are curious about that mysterious girl in a corner

Unfortunately, it’s hard for me to change to be somebody like that.
The more I tried to change, the more I found myself lying to the real person inside of me.

I am a frank speaker.
I have no hesitation to talk about anything, everything inside of my head without being shy or worry that somebody will hate me.
As long as I tell the truth.
I may be good at spreading gossip. Oh no, it’s not gossip, instead of truth.
Well, maybe not everybody can accept the truth.. but truth is always be the truth. Acceptable or not.
I talk loudly, not because I am desperate of attention. I am just excited with the conversation.
I don’t care if some people don’t like my humor, I know some others like.

I am a girl who act spontaneously.
Sometimes accepting challenge without knowing the consequences.
Sometimes being impatience because I like things to get done quickly.
I walk here and there, run here and there, be in a rush so often.
I don’t care if people think I am manner-less, as long as I know I am not hurting anyone.

I know the whole world prefer a girl who act classy like princess, but why should I change myself if changing  is equal to lie to the real person inside of me?

I am who I am, I’m not planning to change myself, or more severely, being fake to be somebody I am not.


Terlalu Banyak Berpikir

Terlalu banyak  berpikir menghadapkan kita pada berbagai probabilitas,
yang membutuhkan opsi pemecahan.
Dari situ opsinya perlu dipikirkan kembali. Panjang.
Membuat yang sudah dipikirkan menjadi dipikirkan lagi.
Terlalu berpikir membuat saya jadi pusing.

That’s why I just wanna have a simple mind.

Maksudnya, berpikir sederhana saja.
Tidak terlalu banyak ekspektasi.
Tidak terlalu khawatir.
Berserah, tapi tetap berusaha.
Ikhlas dengan segala kemungkinan.
Sehingga bersyukur menjadi sesuatu yang lebih mudah dilakukan,
dan bahagia menjadi suatu kondisi yang pencapaiannya sederhana saja.


Long Time No See

Hey Blog!

Sorry for not touching you for -wait for it- 2 years!

So many things have changed.
People say that life’s never been the same after graduation.
And It’s proved…
Series of my life events have changed a lot of things in me.
I got my perspective of life broadened, knowledge enriched, mental strengthened, and heart reconciled. Most importantly, I  feel way more peaceful living my life right now.

I hope I am a better person now…

So many things have changed after graduation. Maybe I have to dig my memory.
Months after graduation, I…

1. Moved Back to Jakarta

Coming back to the city where I was born and living again with my parents mean that I get a chance to be back living in warmth.
House of my family is not in the city center. At least  1 hour is needed to reach the house from my work place. When the traffic jam is severe, I need 3 hours to go back home. Sick! However, every time I come to the place I call ‘home’, my exhaustion somehow fades away, for I can see my father, mother, brother, sister, and  our housekeepers. Sitting and sharing stories with them are simple, but somehow can release the relaxing hormone (if it exists) within me. I am so grateful that I was born in the middle of a very caring family. For me, family is the union of people who always make me feel loved and precious. So happy that I come back again living in warmth 🙂

2. Started My Career

Your career is not your job, and vice versa.
I never knew that up until I realize that my first job is not something I really wanna do for the rest of my life. Your career should represents your master plan of life and your job is a vehicle to accomplish every milestone in that master plan. Thus, what you’re doing now should be in line with the goals you set on your master plan of life. Otherwise, thinking to quit is probably the proper thing to do. For you will spend the upcoming 40 years of your life working, it’s better if you do a job that matches your interest.

I am grateful enough with my job. For sure, it gives me a lot of knowledge, exposure, and experience; great chances to develop myself. The working environment is very nice. So many young people, cheerful ambience, making me feel more alive doing activity in the office. More importantly, I know how my job works in achieving the goals on my master plan of life.

3. Broke Up

It’s an old story though.. I experienced the series of heartbreaks in this past 2 years. Something that I’ve never expected. Maybe some parts of it were my fault. Maybe some parts were not. I was a fragile hearted girl who just broke up trying to start again with someone that I was not really sure of. Of course it didn’t work. Though I tried to do my best, but sometimes my best wasn’t good enough to save everything.

It’s an old story though.. Time to grieve is over. Kelly Clarkson sings ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and I’ve to admit the quote is right. Difficult times of having my heart broken give a very big impact in the maturation process of my mental age. The moment of being single gives me a space to reflect who I am, what I want, and what I don’t want. At the end of the day, I learn that no one is perfect. To love someone is to love every single perfect and imperfections, until you can’t figure out why you love him/her because you just love him/her for who he/she is. To get thru it, acceptance and humility are the keys.

But back to the initial question: what I want?
I’ve identified that I want a good person.
I’d rather believe that good person is for good person.
So, if I wanna have someone good for my life, then I have to be a good person. And that’s what I’m trying to be..
I am single now, but I am not anxious. I just enjoy the moment. No need to be in a rush to start again.
So, rather than spending my time looking for the good one, better use the time to continually improve myself to become a better person.
Moreover, let God do the rest.

Dear Blog

Hey, my almost untouched blog!

How are you?
It’s been a while I didn’t write anything on you. I’m sorry.
Actually there are several things happened and I find the indications of some prayers have been answered.
I thank God for all of them, but telling you about them is just too hurried.
Well, let me give my best shot and I promise to write on you again SOON!